Birding Jewels of Bolivia

Birding Jewels of Bolivia

  • 19 DAYS & 18 NIGHTS

Although it is difficult to be flexible with a tour, we will try where possible to make changes depending on our birding success, to allow more time where it can be best spent. Thus, we might end up emphasizing one area more than another. Whatever we do, it will be close to the following to get the best birding trip for everybody.

  • DAY 1: Arrive in Bolivia/ Santa Cruz de la Sierra

Arrive at Viru Viru International Airport in Santa Cruz de la Sierra. We will welcome you and transfer you to the hotel. Night in Hotel

  • DAY 2: Birding Loma de Arena – Botanical Garden

Today we will explore the Choco area Lomas de Arena Regional Park, which is located 25 minutes drive from Santa Cruz. We will bird for the morning and back to our hotel for Lunch. After Lunch, we will visit the Botanical Garden. Night in Hotel

Possible Birds: Red-legged Seriema, Greater Rhea, Spot-backed and White-eared Puffbirds, Fawn-breasted Wren, Golden-green Woodpecker, Crowned Slaty and Suiriri Flycatchers, Purplish Jay, Black-capped Antwren, Barred and Great Antshrikes, Guira Cuckoo, Chopi Blackbird, Orange-backed Troupial, Toco Toucan, Chestnut-eared Aracari, Yellow-chevroned Parakeet, Blue-crowned Trogon, Creamy-bellied Thrush, Chotoy Spineatail, Grassland Sparrow, Tawny-crowned Pygmy-Tyrant, Buff-throated Woodcreepers Yellow-tufted Woodpecker, White-bellied Nothura, Red-winged Tinamou and many other ones.

  • DAY 3: Birding drive to Camiri

We will leave early this morning to the South of Santa Cruz along the paved highway connecting Bolivia to Argentina with some stops along the roadside at dry forests and humid Andean Foothill woodlands. if time permits we will stop at Lagunillas place for many other species. Night in Camiri

Possible Species: Bolivian Slaty-Antshrike, Black-capped Antwren, Striped-backed Antbird, Blue-fronted Parrot, Green-cheeked Parakeets, Plush-crested Jay, and some other species.

  • DAY 4: Birding the Chaco borders of Paraguay and Argentina

We will have a full day for birding the “Chaco,” a mix of thorn forest, scrub, and savanna habitats where we will stop if we see any activity. For the afternoon we will bird some of the foothill woodlands and Laguinillas. Night in Camiri.

Possible Species: Black-legged Seriema, Many-colored Chaco-Finch, Larklike Brushrunner, Brown Cacholote. Crested Hornero, Cinereous Tyrant, Black-crowned Monjita, White-barred Piculet, Checkered Woodpecker, Black-bodied Woodpecker, Black-capped Warbling-Finche, Red-crested Finche, Red-crested Cardinal, Golden-billed Saltator. Ochre-faced Tody-Flycatcher, Saffron-billed Sparrow, Dusky-legged Guan, Ocellated Piculet, Comb Duck, Ringed and Brazilian Teals, Spot-flanked Gallinule, Southern Screamer, Military Macaw, Solitary Eagle, and many others.  

  • DAY 5: Birding drive to Refugio Los Volcanes

Today we will have a long drive with some morning birding for some missing species or we will head directly to Santa Cruz and Refugio Los Volcanes with a stop for lunch and some birding at Laguna Tatarenda for other species. We will arrive at our birding spot late afternoon. Night in Refugio Los Volcanes

Possible Species: White Woodpecker, White Monjita, Two-banded Warbler, Black-goggled and Blue-browed Tanagers, Dusky-green Oropendola, Plush-crested and Purplish Jays, Green-cheeked Parakeet, Military Macaw, Blue-throated Piping Guan, Striated Antthrush, Slaty Gnateater, Ochre-cheeked Spinetail, Bolivian White-crowned Tapaculo, Red-necked Woodpecker, Yungas (long-tailed) Dove, Yungas Manakin, Bolivian Recurvebill, Brown and Grey Tinamou and many other ones. Night in Refugio Los Volcanes

  • DAY 6: Full day in Refugio los Volcanes

We will spend a full day birding along some of the trails and main roads. And he here any Owls during the nights we will try to find them. Night in Refugio Los Volcanes

Possible Species: Creamy-bellied and Rufous-bellied Thrushes, Gray-throated Leaftosser, Buff-fronted Foliage-gleaner, Ocellated and Black-banded Woodcreepers, Black-capped Antwren, Marble-faced Bristle-Tyrant, Chestnut-backed Antshrike, White-winged Tanager, White-bellied Pygmy-Tyrant, Slaty Gnateater, Rufous-breasted Wood-Quail, Short-tailed Antthrush, Andean Condor, Channel-billed Toucan, Mitred Parakeet, and some other ones.

  • DAY 7: Birding to Samaypata

Morning Birding and then we will start our birding drive to Samaipata town where we will stop at Hummingbird Garden before we arrive at our hotel. Night in Samaipata

Possible Species: White-vented Violetear, Planalto Hermit, Fork-tailed Woodnymph, Glittering-bellied Emerald, White-bellied and Slender-tailed Woodstart, Golden-rumped and Orange-bellied Euphonias, Turquoise-fronted Parrot, Red-crested Finch, Black-Capped Warbling-Finch, Masked Gnatcatcher, Ultramarine Grosbeak, and many others

  • DAY 8: Birding Quirusillas/ Esmeralda Lagoon - Comarapa

Early drive up to Quirusillas forest where we will spend the rest of the morning birding along the road descending to Samaipata and after we will head to Comarapa. Night in Hotel

Possible Species: Red-faced Guan, Tucuman Parrot, Dot-fronted Woodpecker, Blue-crowned Parakeet, Grey-crested Finch, White-fronted Woodpecker, White-tipped Plantcutter, Black-and-chestnut Warbling-Finch.

  • DAY 9: Search for Red-fronted Macaw

Early drive to the Saipina area a special place where we will spend the full morning and, in the afternoon, the lower side of the mountains of Siberia. Night in Hotel

Possibles Species: Red-fronted Macaw, Cliff Parakeet, Bolivian Earthcreeper, Bolivian Blackbird, Chaco Puffbird, Rufous-sided Warbling Finch, Striped Woodpecker, Spot-breasted Thornbird, Giant Antshrike, Yungas Guan, Monk Parakeet, Bolivian Earthcreeper and many others.

  • DAY 10: Full day birding Siberia cloud forest

Today we will have a full morning birding up the mountains of Siberia searching for mixed flocks and several species restricted to the birding area. In the afternoon we will explore some of the dry forest for any missing species. Night in Comarapa.

Possible Species: Rufous-faced Antpitta, Andean Guan, Black-winged Parrot, Violet-throated Starfrontlet, Strong-billed Woodcreeper, Golden-headed Quetzal, Slaty-backed Chat-Tyrant, Buff-banded Tyrannulet, Pale-footed Swallow, Pale-legged Warbler, Gray-bellied Flowerpiercer, Ringed Warbling-Finch, Bolivian Warbling-Finch, Spot-breasted Thornbird, Olive-crowned Crescentchest, Cream-backed Woodpecker and many other species.

  • DAY 11: Birding and drive to Cochabamba

Early birding Siberia cloud forests for some missing species. Then we will head to Cochabamba. Night in Hotel

Possible Species: Rufous-faced Antpitta, Andean Guan, Black-winged Parrot, Violet-throated Starfrontlet, Strong-billed Woodcreeper, Golden-headed Quetzal, Slaty-backed Chat-Tyrant, Buff-banded Tyrannulet, Pale-footed Swallow, Pale-legged Warbler, Gray-bellied Flowerpiercer, Ringed Warbling-Finch, Bolivian Warbling-Finch, Spot-breasted Thornbird, Olive-crowned Crescentchest, Cream-backed Woodpecker Hooded Siskin, Purple-throated Euphonia, and Blue-and-yellow Tanager, Thick-billed Siskin, Rufous Antpitta, or Black-hooded Sunbeam and many others

  • DAY 12-13: Full-day birding along Cochabamba Valley

We will bird one day Cerro Tunari searching for Endemics and restricted species found along this valley.

On the second day, we will bird The Upper and lower Chapare. Nights in Hotel

Possible birds: Cochabamba Mountain-Finch, Gray-headed Parakeet, Red-tailed Comet, Wedge-tailed Hillstar, Brown-backed Mockingbird, Plain-breasted Earthcreeper, Andean Swift, Creamy-breasted Canastero, Plain-mantled Tit-Spinetail, Andean Hillstar, Torrent Duck, Slender-billed Miner, Cordilleran Canastero, Cinnamon-bellied, Rufous-naped, Taczanowskis, Ochre-naped, and Cinereous Ground-tyrants, White-winged Diuca-Finch, Short-tailed Finch, Black-winged Ground-Dove and many others.

  • DAY 14: Morning Flight to La Paz

Today we will take our flight to la Paz. Transfer to the Hotel and then drive to the altiplano area west of La Paz and the margins of Lago Titicaca for the rest of the day. Night in La Paz

Possible Species: Titicaca Grebe, White-tufted Grebe, Yellow-winged Blackbird, Many-colored Rush Tyrant, Wren-like Rushbird, Spot-winged Pigeon, Yellow-billed Teal, Yellow-billed Pintail, Andean Duck, Puna Teal, Andean Gull, Chilean Flamingo, Plumbeous Rail, Andean Goose, Andean Lapwing, and many others

  • DAY 15: Birding to La Cumbre - Corocoi road.

Today we will explore the high-elevation mountain pass of La Cumbre where we will look for Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe and Grey-breasted Seedsnipe, Scribble-tailed Canastero, and Diademed Tapaculo and some other species at high elevations. Then we will back to town. Night in La Paz

  • DAY 16: Birding la cumbre of Sorata - Flight to Trinidad

Morning drive to Sorata area for more Andean species. There we can find Berlepschs Cansatero and many Ground-Tyrants and after we will take a local flight to Trinidad in the Beni Department. We will spend birding along the wetlands of Trinidad. Night in Trinidad

Possible Species: Jabiru, Wood Stork, Roseate Spoonbill, Limpkin, Wattled Jacana, Snail Kite, Black-collared Hawk, Long-winged Harrier, the local subspecies of Plain Softtail, and Velvet-fronted Grackle, Greater Thornbird, Grey-crested Cacholote, Black-collared Hawk, Snail Kite, White-bellied and Rusty-collared Seedeaters and many others.

  • DAY 17-18: Loreto Road – Blue-throated Macaw

We will have two full days to search for the Critically Endangered Blue-throated Macaw. We will also look for other species such as Blue-and-yellow, Red-and-green, and Chestnut[1]fronted Macaws, Mato Grosso Antbird, White-lored Spinetail, Narrow-billed and Great Rufous Woodcreepers, White and Black-and-white Monjitas, South American Snipe, Large[1]billed and Yellow-billed Terns, Undulated Tinamou, Scarlet-headed Blackbird, Solitary Cacique, White-tailed Goldenthroat, and many others. Nights in Trinidad

  • DAY 19: Birding and Flight to Santa Cruz

Morning birding for some missing species and then we will go to the airport for our flight to Santa Cruz and Connections to Home

Have an Amazing tour in Bolivia!

GROUP SIZE From 2 People + Guide
TOUR DATES Tour Calendar and Custom Dates at ANY TIME
TOUR PRICE USD 4,950 per Person
SINGLE ROOM USD 500 per person
ACCOMMODATION Comfortable places with private services, and WI-FI most of the places
EASY OF BIRDING Easy to moderate with some challenging species
INCLUDE Domestic flights, Hotel, lodges, full meals, entrance fee, private transportation, birding guide
NOT INCLUDE International, any alcoholic drinks, laundry, phone calls, extra activities, tips