What to pack


We strongly recommend to brindg a cheeked baggage no more than 23 kg (51 lb) /carry-on Baggage no more than 12 kg (26 lb) per person, and a light hand bag for your personal belongings. According domestic flights regulations.

In both cases we recommend you to bring Silica (as much as you can), for protecting your stuff against humidity, and rain gear, for protecting yourself and your valuables (cameras, for example). The main reason is because you will move from one spot into other every two days and even less.

23 kg Suitcase: Soft colored clothing

  • Cotton pants
  • Long-sleeve cotton shirts
  • Jacket or sweater for the cold wheater
  • Cotton t-shirts
  • Pairs of cotton socks
  • shorts
  • Flip-flops
  • Hiking shoes
  • Battery chargers, recommended from 110 w to 220 w.

Hand bag:

  • Camera with lens from 200 mm to more.
  • Video camera, with extra battery.
  • Waterproof & fog proof Binoculars, of 8x42, 10x42 or 10x50.
  • First aid kit and/or personal medication.
  • Cap, hat, sunglasses, poncho, raincoat, flashlight, batteries
  • Insect repellent for body and cloth, (35% DEET to 70% DEET).
  • Sun block (30 FPS minimum).
  • Bottle of water (625 Ml and more).
  • Personal documents (passport) and cash (local currency –Nuevos Soles- and/or US Dollars)