Birding Manu Biiosphere

Birding Manu Biiosphere

  • 6 Days & 5 Nights

DAY 1: Birding from Cusco to Manu Biosphere!

Early flight to Cusco, or we can pick you up from your hotel in Cusco if you arrived the day before. Then we will start our birding drive by heading to the most popular birding road in the world “Manu Road”. But we will start first at  Huacarpay Lake located 30 minutes south of Cusco where we will search for some species such as Giant Hummingbird, Bearded Mountaineer (E), Rusty-fronted Canastero (E), streak-fronted Thornbird (Restricted), Plumbeous Rail, Puna Teal, Andean Flicker, Golden-billed Saltator, Green-tailed and Black-tailed Trainbearer, and several other species. After a few hours of birding at this natural habitat, we will start our birding drive to Paucartambo one of the last villages before we get into Acjanaco Pass which starts Manu National Park. The road starts at 3,300 m and descends to 500 m at the end. But today we will arrive at 1,500 m where is located our first birding lodge spending the rest of the day birding along the road looking for mixed flocks of tanagers, Flycatchers, Trogons, and Quetzals. For the end of the day at dust, we will look for the Lyre-tailed Nightjar display. Night in Cock of the Rock Lodge or Manu Paradise Lodge

DAY 2: Birding the lower Manu Biosphere

Today we will visit a nice andean cock of the rock lek and keep birding for the rest of the morning searching for Orange-eared, Blue-black,  Bay-headed, Yellow-bellied, Paradise, and Blue-necked Tanagers, Bersicolored Barbet, Yellow-breasted Antwren, Andean Motmot, Yungas Manakin, Andean Cock of the Rock, Green-olive Oropendola and many other species and also we will bird at Lodge surroundings, and feeders for hummingbirds. Before dinner, we will have a chance to do some night birding for Rusfecent Screech-Owl and Lyre-Tailed Nightjar. Night in Cock of the Rock Lodge or Manu Paradise Lodge

DAY 3: Birding Bamboo Forest & Feeders

We will have a full day to spend birding along the Bamboo forest trails, lodge surroundings, and a small pond known as Machuwasi. We will also visit two new places run by local families where they improved feeders for hummingbirds, tanagers, and antpitta. and during the night we will try to find Owls. Night in Villa Carmen Station (Manu Biological Station)

DAY 4: Morning Birding up to 3,000 m

Early Birding along the Bamboo forest for specialist species and other Amazonian species. After lunch, we will head up to our last lodge on Manu Road birding along for any missing species or if we find some mixed flocks of species or any sightings on our way up to the mountains with the chance to find Swallow-tailed Nightjar at dust before we arrive to our lodge. Night in Wayquecha Biological Station.

DAY 5: Birding and Drive back to Cusco

Morning birding along the Upper Manu Road & Lodge Surrounding. Then we will have our last lunch together celebrating our best birding ever along the most birdies road. And then, we will start our birding drive back to Cusco.

Have an Amazing birding time!

GROUP SIZE From 2 People + Guide
TOUR DATES Tour Calendar and Custom Dates at ANY TIME
TOUR PRICE USD 1,500 per person 
SINGLE ROOM USD 300 per person
ACCOMMODATION Comfortable places private services
EASY OF BIRDING Easy to moderate with some challenging species
INCLUDE Lodges, full meals, entrance fee, private transportation & birding guide
NOT INCLUDE International & Domestic flights, any alcoholic drinks, laundry, phone calls, extra activities, tips