Birding Jewels of Ecuador

Birding Jewels of Ecuador

  • 16 Days & 15 Nights

DAY 1: Arrive in Quito

We will welcome and transfer you to our hotel selected. Night in Quito

DAY 2: Birding through Yanacocha

Early start our birding tour up to Yanacocha Reserve with a stop at Zuro Loma Reserve for Chestnut-naped and Ecuatorial Antpittas, Sword-billed Hummingbird, and several other species at the feeders, then Yanacocha for the rest of the morning. Afternoon birding drive along the old road to Tandayapa. Night in Tandayapa Bird Lodge

DAY 3: Morning birding to Mindo

Morning watches the Insect trap for several species arriving to feed on some of the moths and other insects at the first light of the day. After breakfast, we will see the hummingbirds at the feeders and we will visit Alambi and the Cafe Restaurant Guaycapi feeders for more species for the end of the day Mindo. Night in Sachatamia Lodge

DAY 4: Birding day along the Mindo area

Early watch the Insect Trap at the lodge and the hummingbird feeders and for the rest of the day we will visit Rio Blanco and San Tadeo feeders for Collared Toucanet, Crimson Toucanet, Red-headed Barbet, and more species. Night in Sachatamia Lodge

DAY 5: Birding day along the Mindo area

Early drive to Rio Silanche Reserve for choco specialist species and birding at the Tower. Then we will visit Millpe Reserve for hummingbirds & Club-winged Manakin. Night in Sahatamia Lodge

DAY 6: Birding Angel Paz Reserve

Early visit Refugio Paz de la Aves where we will visit an Andean Cock of the Rock Lek, then Giant, Moustached, Ochre-breasted, Yellow-bellied, Chestnut-crowned Antpittas, Zeledons Antbird, Rufous-breasted Antthrush, and some other species. Then we will “Vinicios” place for Plate-billed Mountain Toucan, Georgeted Sunangel, and then drive to the spot for Long-wattled Umbrelabird ( Km 23 ). Night in El Toro

DAY 7: Long-wattled Umbrellabird / Guango

Early visit a lek for Long-wattled Umbrellabird and we hope to watch the good. Then we will start our drive to the south of Quito. Night in Guango Lodge

DAY 8: Birding to San Isidro Lodge

Morning watches Insect traps for woodcreepers, warblers, flycatchers, and several species attracting this amazing idea. Watch the hummingbird feeders and explore some of the trails. After lunch, we will go to our next birding spot. Night in San Isidro Lodge

DAY 9: Full day of birding

Today we will have a full birding day at lodge trails and surroundings. Night in San Isidro Lodge

DAY 10: Birding to Foothill forest

Morning birding & then we will head to our next birding lodge. Night in Wildsumaco Lodge

DAY 11: Full day of birding

Today we will have a full birding day at lodge trails and surroundings. Night in Wildsumaco Lodge

DAY 12: Birding in the Rainforest of Ecuador

Morning birding and then we will drive to Francisco Orellana-Coca where our boat will transfer us to our next birding Lodge in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Night in Sani Lodge

DAY 13-14: Full days of birding

Canopy birding at the observation tower and some trails for the rest of the morning. On the second day, we will have a full birding day at the lodge trails and surroundings. nights in Sani Lodge

DAY 15: Birding back to Quito

We will visit a small Parrot Clay Lick early morning and we will start our birding back to Quito. Night in Quito

DAY 16: Morning birding - Flight Home

Early visit Antizana Reserve for Andean Condors and Mica Lagoon for Many-stripe Canastero, Andean Tit-Spinetail, and Tawny Antpitta and after a nice morning we will go to Papallaqta Park for Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe, Giant Conebill and some other specialist species found there. After a full day of birding, we will transfer to the airport for your international flight or if you stay in Quito to your hotel.

GROUP SIZE From 2 to 6 people + Guide
TOUR DATES Tour Calendar & Custom dates at any time
ACCOMMODATION Comfortable places with private services
EASY OF BIRDING Easy to moderate with some challenging species
INCLUDE Hotel, lodges, full meals, entrance fee, private transport, driver and guide
NOT INCLUDE International, and domestic flights, any alcoholic drinks, laundry, tips, extra activities